How many reps should you do for the exercises in the workout?


Every day there a new workout is available. It is a circuit training. So for example exercise for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, exercise for 20 seconds and another 10 seconds rest. The circuit may consist of four different exercises that are repeated six times. The circuit is different every day. It is about the number of repetitions of the exercises in 20 seconds. In the beginning you may succeed to do three repetitions of an exercise, but after a few weeks you will see that you manage to do up to 10 reps. As long as you push yourself to the max it does not matter how many repetitions you are doing. It is the intensity of the workout that is important! It must be very tough, so push yourself well out of your comfort zone.


Since my teenage years I was fascinated by my fitness and physique. This resulted in a lot of hours training and
trying many different ways to achieve my intended results.
By nature I am an adventurous sporty type. Also during my travels there should always be an adventurous and sporty
element in it. Also, I always find a gym abroad to experience how Personal Trainers are working there.
Through these experiences I became eager to turn my hobby into my profession.

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